TarOhio Deck
A 78 card deck of Tarot cards featuring the artwork of Ohio-based artists.
The initial plan is to have 5 artists each produce a complete suit (22 Major cards, or 14 for each of the 4 Minor Suits) for a collaborative deck.
Designs don’t have to feature Ohio scenes or themes; but certainly may. A draft version of the Artist Brief for the TarOhio 2024 Tarot card deck is available for download now.
OhiOracle Deck
A 48 card deck of Oracle cards featuring the artwork of Ohio-based artists.
The initial plan is to find 8 artists who each are eager to prepare artwork (6 cards each) for a collaborative deck.
Designs don’t have to feature Ohio scenes or themes; but certainly may. A draft version of the Artist Brief for the OhiOracle 2024 Oracle deck coming soon.
A Note on Colours
As most artists are aware, digital screens use additive base colours of blue, green, red while most modern printing uses the subtractive base of cyan, yellow, magenta and black. Your painted or drawn artwork will be photographed (or scanned) in additive colour space, which is how the final production files will be created. The Printer will convert those files into subtractive colour space; it is common to have a slight shift.
Each computer monitor is slightly different and colours may vary slightly. The default setting for Mac and Windows operating systems are not the same; there typically is a visible difference in brightness and contrast between the two systems. For a variety of boring reasons we work in Windows.